Privilege Insurance DriveXpert App Terms & Conditions

These Terms and Conditions apply to your participation of DriveXpert App and form part of your insurance contract, alongside other policy documents such as the policy booklet and schedule. Please keep these Terms and Conditions in a safe place with your other car insurance documents.

You should also read the Privacy Notice provided with your policy documents, as it explains how we will use the data that you provide us and that we collect from you. Information on How to make a complaint, Fraud Prevention and Access to your information can also be found with your policy documents.

Please make sure you read and accept these Terms and Conditions You will be bound by them as journey data will be collected and transmitted when you download the DriveXpert App and register your account.

Please click here to read the plug-in black box Terms & Conditions.


Wherever the following words or expressions appear in these Terms and Conditions, they have the meaning given here unless we say differently.

Awards - milestones to mark your achievements as a safe driver.

DriveXpert App - the mobile device application you must download and register on which will track your driving via GPS (Global Positioning System). It collects and transmits journey data which includes driving behaviour, mobile phone distraction and location data and is where you can access your individual driving information, and which will display your driving score.

Driving Score - is our assessment of your driving behaviour and journey data and is used to determine your Awards. We also look to see if you’re using your mobile phone while driving.

Insured Only Driving - DriveXpert App policies are provided on an insured only to drive basis.

Journey, journeys - a journey or journeys detected by the DriveXpert App including instances where you may be a passenger in another vehicle or using another form of transport.

Journey data - this will include information such as your driving behaviour and the date, time, location, duration, speed, distance, start, finish and direction of travel, for each journey the DriveXpert App has recorded.

Mobile Phone Distraction - This measures mobile phone usage while driving, tracking all instances of phone calls and any physical use of the phone that took place throughout your journey. It is a combination of the mental distraction caused by being on a phone call whilst driving and physical distraction measured by how much you physically interact with your phone during your journey.

Tag, Tagging - The action of attaching a label to a journey i.e. Car, Passenger, Bus etc on the DriveXpert App

Mobile device - the device with cellular capability upon which the DriveXpert App will be activated.

Mobile device compatibility - available on iOS and Android mobile devices only.

Period of insurance - as shown on the certificate of motor insurance or schedule.

Policy - your DriveXpert App product underwritten by U K Insurance Limited.

We, Us, Our - U K Insurance Limited.

You, Your - our customer or prospective customer.

Your car - the insured vehicle.

DriveXpert App

When you purchase your policy, we will send a link to the email address you have provided, which will enable you to download the DriveXpert App.

You will need to follow the instructions provided to register your account on the DriveXpert App.

You must ensure that you enable the location services on your mobile device and configure your mobile device settings as per the instructions provided upon registration of the DriveXpert App.

You must ensure that you download and register your account on the DriveXpert App within 7 days of your policy start date or we reserve the right to cancel your policy. This may affect your ability to purchase insurance in the future.

If you cannot download and register your account for the DriveXpert App within 7 days of the commencement date of your policy you must notify us immediately.

If we don’t detect a journey through your DriveXpert App for 14 consecutive days we reserve the right to cancel your policy. This may affect your ability to purchase insurance in the future.

If you know that you will not be making a journey for 14 consecutive days you must notify us immediately.

Mobile device compatibility

The DriveXpert App is compatible with iOS and Android mobile devices only.

You must ensure you have a mobile device which is compatible with the DriveXpert App. If your mobile device is lost, damaged or stolen and not repaired or replaced; or is replaced with a mobile device which may be incompatible with the DriveXpert App you will no longer be eligible for telematics cover using the DriveXpert App.

If you change your mobile device and your new mobile device does not utilise an iOS or Android operating system then your mobile device may become incompatible with the DriveXpert App and you will no longer be eligible for Telematics cover using the DriveXpert App. We reserve the right to remove telematics cover from your policy and any associated discounts.

Use of the DriveXpert App

If we don’t detect a journey through your DriveXpert App for 14 consecutive days we reserve the right to cancel your policy. This may affect your ability to purchase insurance in the future.

If you know that you will not be making a journey for 14 consecutive days you must notify us immediately.

If we believe that journeys or journey data is deliberately not being recorded or manipulated, we may consider this to be a fraudulent act, in which case we will cancel your policy and we may keep any premium you have paid.

Some examples of manipulation include, but are not limited to, recording bad journeys as though you were a passenger rather than the driver, deleting the DriveXpert App from your mobile device, pausing the DriveXpert App on your mobile device during journeys, switching off your device for all or part of a journey or disabling location services or appropriate settings on more than one occasion.

Once the DriveXpert App has been activated it will record and analyse your driving behaviour. It is your responsibility to ensure that the DriveXpert App is switched on while you are driving your car.

Manipulating your driving score

Any attempt to manipulate your driving score could be viewed as fraud and have serious implications for your current and future insurance policies. Please see the Fraud Prevention and Detection section within your policy documents.

We reserve the right to provide the DriveXpert App for Insured Only Driving policies. If you require an additional driver to be added to the policy we reserve the right to remove Telematics cover from your policy and any associated discount.

It is a condition of your policy that all journeys that you undertake in your car are recorded by the DriveXpert App.

You must ensure that you enable the location services on your mobile device and configure your mobile device settings, as per the instructions provided for registration, so that the DriveXpert App can collect and transmit journey data. You must ensure you are logged in to the DriveXpert App for every journey you undertake in your car and ensure the DriveXpert App is always running during these journeys.

The DriveXpert App will record all detected journeys including instances where you may be a passenger in another vehicle or using another form of transport. It is a requirement of your insurance that you identify or tag those journeys that you have driven in your car and those where you were a passenger or using an alternative form of transport.

Tagging a journey can be completed within the DriveXpert App if you were a passenger in a car or were using another mode of transportation. You have up to 72 hours after a journey to edit the tag. After this, the tag against that journey is submitted and cannot be edited.


If you wish to cancel your participation in DriveXpert App, you will need to call us. We will stop data collection within two weeks from the point of cancellation.

Consistently poor driving scores or extreme, high-risk driving events may result in cancellation of your policy.

We reserve the right to withdraw the DriveXpert App at any time but we will notify you before we do this.


You will continue your participation in DriveXpert App unless you decide to cancel, not to renew your insurance or choose to be removed from DriveXpert App.

Your renewal invite will advise if your policy will be automatically renewed or if you need to call us.

If we are unable to offer renewal terms for DriveXpert App we will contact you ahead of your renewal date by writing to you at your last known address to let you know.


If you are eligible for a DriveXpert App introductory discount it will apply from the start of your policy and is only applicable for that period of insurance. At renewal your premium will be assessed and may go up or down depending on various factors, including your journey data.

Please note that you are only eligible for one telematics based discount per vehicle, per period of insurance.

Keeping in touch


As part of your participation in DriveXpert App insurance you may receive useful feedback via push notifications, emails or SMS, which are designed to help you to improve your driving. They will also help you keep track of your driving score. In some cases, we may also call you regarding your participation of the DriveXpert App to give you more personal feedback on how you can improve your driving score. You can also view this information on the DriveXpert App.