If you have two or more cars at your house insured by Privilege, we'll give a discount on the second and any other car policies you take out. Minimum premiums apply.
It's simple, just click on 'Saved quote' on the homepage.
We'll send you a letter at least 21 days before your policy ends, to confirm whether your policy will renew automatically.
If your policy is set to renew automatically and all the details are correct, you don't need to do anything and we'll renew the policy using the payment details shown in the renewal letter.
If you're not up for automatic renewal, it's quick and secure to renew your motor and home policies online.
If you have any questions or changes, please sign in to My Account to make amendments online or speak to a web chat agent.
Check over your policy documents. If anything is incorrect, or you're unsure about any details, please get in touch right away.
To see what's included in your home insurance policy take a look at our policy documents for home insurance and Platinum home insurance.
Call us on 0345 246 8539 if you're involved in an accident or your car is stolen, vandalised or damaged.
Call us on 0345 246 8534 as soon as possible if something has happened at home.